West Michiganders Call for an Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza

As West Michiganders, we care deeply about the well-being of our neighbors, both near and far. We’ve created powerful networks of people and resources to ensure that all West Michigan residents are able to raise thriving families and live in peace and safety. While we can use these resources to care for our immediate neighbors, we rely on our elected officials to enact foreign policy that promotes the flourishing of our global neighbors.

Out of deep concern for our global neighbors in Gaza, residents and organizations of Michigan’s third congressional district signed onto the below letter to Representative Hillary Scholten in support of a permanent ceasefire and de-escalation in Gaza. 

View the letter and complete list of signatories in the yellow box below.
Our follow-up letter, after receiving no formal response from the Congresswoman or her staff, is in the blue/gray box below.

Thank you for your support!

September 26, 2024

Dear Rep. Hillary Scholten,

It has been well over 3 months since we sent the below letter to your office (June 13, 2024). On June 24, having not yet received a confirmation or response, we reached out again to follow up and ensure the letter was received. The next day, one of your staff confirmed that the letter was received and that they were working on writing a letter in response. We followed up again on August 5 and received no reply.

As advocates well experienced engaging with Congress – and for some of us, even working in Congressional offices – this long-delayed, lack of response to a large group entirely made up of constituents is both surprising and disappointing. 

We updated the letters’ signatories – your constituents and many of your supporters – about this; and upon the request of other concerned constituents, we re-opened the letter so that additional individuals and entities from your district could sign on. There are now 230 signatories, including 221 individual constituents and 9 organizations.

Since the writing of our original letter, the warring and devastation have only continued and been expanded into Lebanon, which we cannot endorse as advocates for peace.

As we stated before: we believe that ending the suffering in Gaza and beyond deserves your highest priority, and we are eager to hear your public statement and response in support of protecting human lives, divesting from the Israeli government's war fighting capacities, and putting an end to the daily civilian carnage we see in the Middle East.


Original: June 13, 2024
Updated Signature List: September 26, 2024

Dear Rep. Hillary Scholten,

We, the undersigned 221 individuals and 9 organizations, write to you today as your constituents to urge you to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and support further humanitarian efforts in the region.

As people and organizations that have helped build your district’s ethos of care for refugees and asylum seekers, the atrocity on May 27 that killed 45 refugees in a camp near Rafah struck a deep nerve. And although our views may differ on many points of Israeli/Palestinian history, we are united on this: Nothing justifies the civilian suffering and carnage we see daily in Gaza, suffering that continues primarily because of ongoing U.S. government support. 

We, your constituents, care deeply about the well-being of our neighbors, both near and far, and we know you do, too. We’ve seen this lived out by your career in public service which has been distinctly marked by a pursuit for justice, equity, and the prioritization of human rights. Your decades of work on matters of immigration, refugees and civil rights, coupled with your own family history and background, have allowed you to be a congresswoman with unique insights on these issues.

For these reasons and more, we believe that ending the suffering in Gaza deserves your highest priority.  

There are serious consequences of our inaction. The forced displacement of Palestinians is contributing to an already huge and growing global refugee crisis. While we celebrate and support the United States’ global humanitarian assistance and refugee admissions programs, we fail ourselves and our international neighbors by remaining silent on matters that create refugee crises in the first place. As West Michiganders, we will continue forward in our longstanding commitment to welcoming forcibly displaced people, but we do so with the hope and expectation that our elected officials are guiding our nation’s foreign policy and federal spending in ways that promote peace and stability; striving for a world in which no family, adult, or child anywhere is ever forcefully and violently displaced from their home.

This is not a radical proposal. Prior to the horrific events of May 27 in Rafah, President Biden himself repeatedly called for the protection of innocent civilians, and as such, drew a “red line” limiting the Israeli military’s combat tactics in Rafah. And on May 31, the Biden administration announced a proposal to reach an enduring ceasefire. By all accounts this limit has been crossed, repeatedly. As a nation, we have a moral imperative to do our part – not only in words, but also in our federal spending – to safeguard human life in Gaza and beyond. Calling for a ceasefire is only the beginning and must be followed up by action that discontinues U.S. assistance to the Israeli government's war fighting capacities and discourages further escalations in the region. 

As our representative in Congress, you are the only direct voice we have into this administration's policies and the federal government’s spending priorities. Therefore, we urge you to:

  • Publicly call for an immediate end to the Israeli military’s Rafah offensive and a permanent ceasefire to prevent further loss of innocent life

  • Prioritize the protection of all civilians by urgently funding more humanitarian aid into Gaza and identifying publicly those who are blocking this aid

  • Work diplomatically to support the release of all hostages and regional de-escalation across the Middle East

  • Prohibit the transfer of more military assistance and weapons to the Israeli government

  • Urge all parties to fully respect international humanitarian law

While we are far away from our global neighbors in Gaza, we believe we bear a responsibility to them out of our love and commitment to the well-being and flourishing of those around us. Driven by these values you share with us, we urge you to represent us in the halls of Congress by publicly calling for a permanent and immediate ceasefire. 


Constituents and Organizations of Michigan’s 3rd Congressional District

Abigail Punt

Adnoris “Bo” Torres, Latino Community Coalition

Adriene Galindo

Alejandra C

Alexandra Johnson

Alexandra Tiger

Ali Short

Alice Gallmeyer

Alisa Flores

Alison Morgan

Allison Fritz

Allison Meyaard-Schaap

Amanda Barnett

Amanda Stek

Amber Kilpatrick

Amy Cogswell

Amy Constant

Amy Piescer

Andrew Oppong

Andrew Ryskamp

Andy DeBoer

Anissa Eddie

Ann C. Cloyd

Annaka Ediger

Anne Bruinooge

Annica Quakenbush, MS

Arlene DeKam

Ashley Ver Beek

Audreyanna Williams

Barbara Hansen

Becky Haderer

Ben Dekker

Ben Irwin

Bob Synk

Bonnie Mulder

Brendan Kerlin

Brianna Trammell

Brielle DeNooyer

Carol Kamp

Carolyn Sherwood, Calvin University

Carolyn VandenBerg

Celia Post

Claire VanNoord

Courtney DeBoer

Craig Van Hill

Cynthia Kamp

Dana Boyer

Dana Hulst

Darrell B

David Clemo

David Freeman

David Kamp

David W Stek

Deanna Smith

Deborah Borst

Denise Joseph

Deniz Drake

Destany Gryka

Edward DeVries

Elaine C Hoekstra

Elisha A. DeVries

Elisha Marr

Elizabeth Marchena

Ellen L Westrate

Ellen VanDyken

Emily Jacobs

Emily Venn

Emily Westmaas

Emma Crevier

Emmett A Harrison

Eric Bouwens

Eric Kas

Erika VanDyke

Erika Ver Beek

Gary Nederveld

Gavin Block

Ginny Kuilema

Grace Swanson

Greg Yoder

Gwen Vogelzang

Hana Testerman

Hannah Pedersen

Holly Bechiri

Ian Borton

Isis Luna

Jacqueline J Poehlman

Janice Kwasteniet-Stek

Janice McWhertor

Janneke Cole

Jayne Ver Beek

Jeanne Clemo

Jeffrey Niemeier

Jenny Tanis

Jess Beutler

Jesse Bloomster

Jessica Challa

Jessica Smith

Jill DeVries-Dryer

Jill Petter

Jim Kwasteniet

Joanna DeMoor-Tannor

Jody Smith

Joel E. Berends

John Kerlin

Jonathan Hill, Calvin University

Joseph Kuilema, MSW, PhD

Julia Vandertol

Julie Blossom-Hartley

Katie Assarian

Kendall Blanton

Kerrie Van Weelden

Kris Vander Stelt

Kristen D. Meyer

Kristen Loch

Kristyn DeNooyer Garcia

Kurtis Hoffman

Laney Kamp

Laura Hoeksema

Laura Kuilema

Laura Luchies, PhD

Laura Pegman

Laura Sterenberg

Lauren Baker

Lauren Ebels

Lauren Huisman-Woy

Leyna Burel

Libby Huizenga

Lilia Bakker

Lily Eggers

Linden Becker

Lindsay Capel

Lisa DeVries

Lisa Gemmen

Lisa Hoekstra Jansen

Lorilee Craker

Lydia Vander Stelt

Lynda Freeman

Lynn Richardson

Lynn Setsma

Maiya Hoffman, Family Futures

Maria Brummel-Schutte

Marie VanderLinde

Marjorie Brink

Mark Mulder

Marta Johnson

Martha Velting

Mary Brummel

Mary Hoeksema

Matt Fleming

Megan Herrema

Megan Saler

Melanie Dorn

Melissa Atkinson

Melissa Stek

Michael Kruzich

Mieke Stoub

Milissa Block

Muneeba Khan

Nancy J. Kwasteniet

Nate Rauh-Bieri

Nathan Williams

Neil Carlson, PhD

Nicholas Duley

Nicole Duquette

Noah Kruis

Patrick Eaman

Peggy Vander Meulen

Penny Barstow

Peter Kuhl

Peter Quakenbush

Peter Vander Meulen

Philip Kerlin

Rachel Blair Grigoryan

Rachel Dekker

Rachel Door

Rachel Venema

Rebecca Dykhuis

Rebecca Pobst

Rev. Aune M. Carlson, Churches for Middle East Peace

Rev. Greta Jo Seidohl

Rev. James A. Lucas

Rev. Kyle Meyaard-Schaap

Rev. Nicholas Baas

Rev. Tony Holmes Curran, Sherman Street Church

Robert Nienhuis

Robin Meyer

Sadie Wigs

Samantha Scott

Samuel Fynewever

Sana Amaah

Sandra Bergh

Santiago Gayton

Sarah Sterenberg

Scott H. Vander Linde

Seema Mahdavi

Seth Hoeksema, Calvin University

Shay Gabriel

Shelby Buis

Shelli Fynewever

Sherita M. Washington

Simin Beg

Stacia Hoeksema

Stacy Beene

Stephanie Festian

Susanna Dixon

Tabitha Blanski

Tara Whipkey

Taryn Hoeksema, Treetops Collective

Thaddeus Hofheinz

Theo Bremer-Bennett

Thomas B. Hoeksema Sr.

Tiffany Freeman

Timothy L Blamer

Todd Vanden Berg

Tom Dodd

Tom Hoeksema Jr.

Trudi Ippel

Victoria Gibbs

Virginia L Kuilema

Virginia Wieringa

Wen Batzer


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